The results of battues 2018


The results of battues 2018

November is a perfect time to hunt elk and wild boar by making battues. The first snow makes it easier to find the animals, and most elks have not cast their horns yet. But our foreign guests are attracted not only by the strong trophies, taking part in the group winter driven hunt is an amazing experience too!


Spending the whole day in the wild, listening to the forest sounds, exploring tracks, communicating with friends while eating around the fire - what could be better for a real hunter?  Of couse, the luck is also needed, and it hasn`t failed our guests. 



11 hunters from different corners of Germany and Austria visited us in November 2018 to participate in the Russian driven hunt. In 2 hunting weeks 16 elks were got, 14 of them were bulls with the horns up to 10,9 kg and one male wild boar. The average weight of the trophy is 6 kg. 



The hunt was especially successful for our guest form Austria, Gerhard Gann: 1 male wild boar and 3 elk bulls, the biggest horns had a weight of almost 10 kg. 


Herbert Vedder got in a week 3 trophies (1,3 kg, 7,3 kg., 10,6 kg.). His hunting trip to Russia was a gift to his 70th birthday, it wasn`t in vain!



The happy owner of the strongest trophy of November (10,940 kg) is Johann Permannschlager. 


All the hunters noted the first-class organization of the hunt, the efforts of the hunting guides and assistances, as well as the warm welcome in Russian traditions. 

We are thankful to our guests for their patience, discipline, precise shooting and congratulate them to the successful end of the season! 

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