Elck hunting during the rut 2009


Elk hunting during the rut 2009

There were baged 10 elcks during the rut of Russian and foreign hunters in the period from 25. August till 30. September 2009 in the hunting shoots offered by our company. The biggest trophy is 10.00 kg. We congratulate our guest - German hunter Dr. Gery Schmitz from Duisburg! His comment about the hunt: «Die professionelle Jagdbegleitung unter Sergej war perfekt. Am Donnerstag, 17.09.09. konnte ich meinen ersten Elch auf einen frühen Pirschgang im Morgennebel erlegen» («Professional hunting supported by Sergey was perfect. On thursday, 17.09.09 I baged my first elk by stalking in the morning»).

Elk hunt during the rut in another Udmurt shoot was also successful: in the same period there were baged 6 elks, the biggest trophy - 9.8 kg - belongs to Gernot Waletzki from Germany. His father Paul Waletzki, a hunter, too, were proud of his son and happy because of such a good hunt.

In the third shoot were shot 2 elcks. Comment of a hunter Martin Achmüller: «Die Jäger Alexei, Andrei und Sascha bemühten sich sehr, doch gaben die russischen Wälder nur einen Elchbullen her» («Hunting guides Alexey, Andrey and Sasha have tried very much, but Russian Forest gave us only one elk»).

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